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Krauy SoundS
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Here is some Krau SoundS to freely gander and poop on your musical transfer unit of your choice. Most of these are live recordings taped from a cam corder or a hand held tape recorder. Some on the other hand are tunes recorded at our compound in Tempora on a 4-track cassette recorder.
Krauy Lo-Fi Mules

"Neil" from Clogs

"I'm Bleeding" from Clogs

"Lee Distroyer" from Clogs

"Scared of UFOs" from Clogs

"Ode to Reed" from Muthors of Poil

"Dakoda" from Muthors

"Horrific Hag" from Muthors

"Experimental clone" from Muthors

"LALA" from R.F.M.S.J.*

"Waste Today" from R.F.M.S.J.

The Now and Soon to Krau

"The Yeti" from Rods of Love CD-R

Warning Orb (live) Sounds

Ode To Reed

Bonus Crappie

Oh No it's a UFO

Wild Thang

Deep Sodomy

doin' drugs in the city

Rods Of Love

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* Reflecting Finger Monaural SkinJob Cassette (1994)